The twitter RSS feeds has the same rate limits.

Patrick, you may want to check out I haven't
used it yet, but they supposedly let you pull tweets by specific
(public) users.
For profile info, you would need to spread requests out over multiple
hours.  I doubt you would need real-time profile info anyways since it
rarely changes.


On Feb 7, 12:36 am, Andrew Badera <> wrote:
> If you're dealing with specific people, why not subscribe to their RSS feeds
> instead?
> If you're dealing with specific terms, use hash tags and/or the search API.
> Thanks-
> - Andy Badera
> -
> - (518) 641-1280
> - Tech Valley Code Camp 2009.1:
> - Google me:
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 7:46 PM, Patrick Minton <> wrote:
> > So I've talked to my boss a bit about this and it appears the upper bound
> > on tweeters that lextweet <> would end up following
> > is something like 20000 - 30000 members.
> > The idea of lextweet is not to follow legal posts (so I can't use
> > tagging/etc), but instead to act as a page where lawyers can easily discover
> > other lawyers who tweet -- even if they aren't necessarily tweeting about
> > the law.  For instance, some lawyer in Georgia might want to connect to
> > another lawyer in Georgia and then they might both start a conversation
> > about the Hawks or the Falcons.
> > So if I am building an app that tracks the tweets and profiles of that many
> > users, what's the best practice?  Right now I have one (whitelisted) user
> > following about 2k ppl so that each time I query twitter I only have to make
> > one request for one timeline, and I only query twitter once a day to update
> > profile info.  If I abandoned having this special user to follow ppl, and
> > instead kept the users in a database and queried twitter for each user's
> > timeline that's a LOT more API requests.
> > Are there any of you who own apps of a similar scope and scale?  What do
> > you do?  What does the Twitter API team recommend?
> > Patrick
> > On Feb 1, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Alex Payne wrote:
> > Whitelisted users can follow a few more users. But we really don't
> > encourage following a ton of people.
> > On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 14:38, Patrick Minton <> wrote:
> > Does being whitelisted also mean that you can follow more than 2000
> > people without having 2000 followed? uses a twitter
> > account to follow members of the legal community and we are rapidly
> > approaching 2000
> > Patrick
> > --
> > Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.
> >
> > Patrick Minton
> > IT Director
> > LexBlog, Inc.
> > +1 206 204 3211

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