
I'm working as the developer of a Wordpress plugin that pulls twittar
avatars into wordpress comments. What it actually does is to pull the
avatar img each time user comments but the problem is that users
change the avatar often so we need to make API calls very often.

The default syntax url for Twitter profile images is:

(avatars is the name of the image in user computer)

The problem is is that "avatars" change whenever users change avatar
making it impossible to store the user's avatar url in DB and forcing
me to do a lot of API calls in order to get the most recent image.
What i want is to be able to call directly the user profile image
whitout need to call API first. Any ideas?

My question is if there's another syntax which is independent from the
image name? Something like:


If yes: How can i do that without need to call the API on each page
load (which is huge and terrible)?

if no: is that planned?

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