Hi Everyone,

We're going to try and live stream the massively over subscribed
Twitter Developer Nest event tomorrow evening from London, UK.  Please
keep an eye on http://twitter.com/devnest for a link from around 18:30
GMT tomorrow.

We'll be using the tag #devnest throughout the evening. If you'd like
to put a question forward for @dougw, who will be participating via
video link, please use the tag #devnestQ

I include the full schedule below. We hope to be releasing details of
the next event in the next few days, it will likely be at the end of






18:45 Welcome

18:50 Nick Halstead (@nickhalstead) - http://tweetmeme.com

19:10 Sam Sethi (@ssethi) - http://twitblogs.com

19:30 Doug Williams (@dougw) - http://twitter.com - Twitter API Q&A

20:00 Break - Networking

20:25 Graeme Sutherland (@grasuth) - http://nodestone.com - "You Are a Neuron"

20:40 Show & Tell - Tell us something interesting in 140 seconds or
less. Open participation, sign up on evening.

21:00 Close


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development & support
Twitter & Facebook integration specialists

Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton - http://theskiff.org

Helping people make a difference with technology  - http://inuda.org

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web - http://HowSociable.com

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter: http://twitter.com/JonMarkwell

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