Hi matt,

Thank You
What is Pagination? Does it mean that I cannot use max_id for searching
tweets. What does next_url and prev_url fields mean. I did not find next_url
and prev_url in documentation. how can these two urls be used with max_id.
Please explain with example if possible.


Mahaboob Basha Shaik
Making Search Work

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:

> Hi Basha,
>     The max_id is only intended to be used for pagination via the next_url
> and prev_url fields and is known not to work with since_id. It is not
> documented as a valid parameter because it's known to only work in the case
> it was designed for. We added the max_id to prevent the problem where you
> click on 'Next' and page two starts with duplicates. Here's the scenario:
>  1. Let's say you search for 'foo'.
>  2. You wait 10 seconds, during which 5 people send tweets containing
> 'foo'.
>  3. You click next and go to page=2 (or call page=2 via the API)
>    3.a. If we displayed results 21-40 the first 5 results would look like
> duplicates because they were "pushed down" by the 5 new entries.
>    3.b. If we append a max_id from the time you searched we can do and
> offset from the maximum and the new 5 entries are skipped.
>   We use option 3.b. (as does twitter.com now) so you don't see
> duplicates. Since we wanted to provide the same data in the API as the UI we
> added the next_url and prev_url members in our output.
> Thanks;
>   — Matt Sanford
> On Mar 31, 2009, at 08:42 PM, Basha Shaik wrote:
> HI Matt,
> when Since_id and Max_id are given together, max_id is not working. This
> query is ignoring max_id. But with only since _id its working fine. Is there
> any problem when max_id and since_id are used together.
> Also please tell me what does max_id exactly mean and also what does it
> return when we send a request.
> Also tell me what the total returns.
> Regards,
> Mahaboob Basha Shaik
> www.netelixir.com
> Making Search Work
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>>    Can you provide an example URL where since_id isn't working so I can
>> try and reproduce the issue? As for language, the language identifier is not
>> a 100% and sometimes makes mistakes. Hopefully not too many mistakes but it
>> definitely does.
>> Thanks;
>>  — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
>> On Mar 31, 2009, at 08:14 AM, codepuke wrote:
>>> Hi all;
>>> I see a few people complaining about the since_id not working.  I too
>>> have the same issue - I am currently storing the last executed id and
>>> having to check new tweets to make sure their id is greater than my
>>> last processed id as a temporary workaround.
>>> I have also noticed that the filter by language param also doesn't
>>> seem to be working 100% - I notice a few chinese tweets, as well as
>>> tweets having a null value for language...

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