is this issue dead? I've been thinking about it - comments... anyone?

1) "Not" auto-rewriting URLs on input leaves the system susceptible to
various gregarious manipulation. It's currently trivial to get 10,000
visitors a day to click out of twitter and potentially up to 100,000 a
day - fictional scenario: tweeter's rival gang twanker bugs the system
in order to show their flag to tweeter's posse.


2) with auto-rewriting URLs on input:

        a) ruins applications that operate as "link sites" - or at least
makes them incredibly boring.

        b) dings the traffic (potentially big ding) to existing url shorter

        c) provides a mechanism to monitor and control off-site traffic.

        d) makes the twitter data far less interesting to outside parsing

have a great day.


On Apr 4, 8:58 am, Ariadne <> wrote:
> Chad Etzel wrote:
> > Whethertinyurlis the "best" service to use for this purpose is
> > arguable, and probably off-topic for this thread, but it does save a
> > lot of characters.
> > -Chad
> I've never thought of not shortening URLs
> myself but gives a slightly shorter
> link thantinyurland sometimes that matters.

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