Thanks Nick for your gesture. I will certainly be interested in trying
out your cached tweets, but its usefulness will be limited to those
who follow the cached tweets' authors.

About sharing, i don't intend to publish in journals or conferences as
i can't afford the costs, but will definitely share any insights from
my experiments. The idea is simple : Current twitter interface either
lacks groupings or some apps provide ad-hoc groupings like TweetDeck.
But I would like to develop an app that would cluster semantically
homogeneous tweets and present the result to a user in a nice GUI. The
app would be free for the users and if it works fine, at a later stage
could be supported by some sponsors. But it all depends on Twitter if
it would allow a one-time download of a user's recent past 100,000 or
so friends_timeline to build the model. It could change the twitter
client game completely as we dive deeper into the meanings of the
tweets instead of the keyword based or author based groupings.

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