On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:32, lordofthelake <> wrote:

> Hello.
> I started a project whose goal is to allow users to track the reaction
> of the crowd to their posts. This includes showing all the replies and
> retweets born as reaction to the original message, organizing the data
> in a threaded schema. While finding retweets of a particular message
> is fairly easy using the Search API (Query: "RT @user <some words of
> the message>"), finding and filtering all the replies can become a non-
> trivial work quite fast.
> While tracking the replies given directly to you isn't particularly
> hard, though not very efficient (find posts directed to you via search
> API -- "to:user since_id:<tweet id>" -- and then filter by
> in_reply_to_status_id), it becomes a nightmare when you want to track
> what your followers' friends have answered to the replies you got from
> your own followers.
> Example of conversation:
> Me: any idea about how to track the whole conversation originated from
> this tweet?
> MyFollower: @Me try posting in the twitter dev talk, maybe they can
> help you
> AFollowerOf_MyFollower: @MyFollower I know for sure those guys are
> very supportive
> Tracking MyFollower's response is not a big deal, even if the "first
> fetch them all, then select those you need" may not be the most
> efficient to implement for large volumes of tweets -- think to the
> power-users with thousands, if not millions, of followers -- since
> above certain limits, API usage caps (especially about number of
> tweets that can be retrieved at once) start becoming an issue.
> The real problem comes when you want to show in the threaded
> conversation AFollowerOf_MyFollower's tweet, too. Sure thing, you can
> use the same strategy as above (Search "to:MyFollower", fetch all,
> filter by in_reply_to_status_id), but now instead of having to do a
> single query (to:Me) to retrieve the replies to your posts, you have
> to perform a fetching and filtering cycle for every person who took
> part to the conversation: the growth is exponential.
> A solution may be to allow searches by in_reply_to_status_id
> (something like "reply:<status id>")... this would greatly lower the
> cost of looking for replies to your posts. Would it be possible to
> have such a feature exposed in future? Are there other, more efficient
> solutions, anybody can suggest to solve my problem efficiently?
> Thank you for the support. I apologize for the long post and my bad
> English, but I'm not a native English speaker and I tried to expose my
> problem as clearly as I could.
> -- Michele

Abraham Williams |
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