I have seen several posts but I don't understand the answers :( I'm
fairly new to all this so I apologize if I'm missing something

Using twitterOAuth from https://docs.google.com/View?docID=dcf2dzzs_2339fzbfsf4
I manage to grab and save the access tokens oauth_token as $user_token
and oauth_token_secret as $user_secret and can use them to
successfully call verify_credentials.xml

However if I try make a second call it doesn't work, for example:-

$msg = 'test';
$twitter =  new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$user_token, $user_secret);
$xml_string = $twitter->OAuthRequest('https://twitter.com/statuses/
update.xml', array('status' => $msg), 'POST');

Returns "Failed to validate oauth signature or token".

Any ideas what I can do to make this work?


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