On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
>     We do have a slew of reports and tools for our abuse team looking at
> blocking, duplicates and some "secret sauce" to find bad accounts. I'll pass
> this on and see if it wasn't caught for some reason or is in the process of
> being handled. As far as sharing our data it via the API we have no plans to
> do that. The issue isn't showing the data to friends, it's showing it to
> enemies. I think the development community could probably come up with some
> cool analysis on this, but so could the spammers. If you show your opponent
> all of your cards they will raise the stakes.

I certainly understand that, but I was thinking more of a score, rather than
any information about what's behind the score, to use as evidential logic. I
can see why it is safer and easier to just keep it all behind the scenes
until and unless the account is shut down.

Any chance of sharing the percentage of people who have blocked each user?
 That's feedback from your users, after all, and thus somewhat "belongs" to
the community.  (There's probably a huge hole in that argument somewhere,
but I'm not going to think about it).


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