Updates have to come from a twitter account. Your app can not post updates
by itself. You will either have to use the OAuth flow for what ever account
you use or you could use basic auth.

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 21:50, tayknight <taykni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all. My app, once it gets going, is mainly going to post status
> updates as mentions to followers. For instance, the app, called
> DummyOauthApp will post a statuses/update like '@tayknight blah blah
> blah'.
> So, i don't need my app to authenticate itself  to oauth as tayknight,
> but as itself DummyOauthApp. Does this mean I need to generate an
> access token/secret pair for the app itself and continually reuse this
> pair to call statuses/update?
> Thanks.

Abraham Williams | http://the.hackerconundrum.com
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