Hi Miles,

I just checked the list of whitelisting requests and I don't see you anywhere in it, either approved, rejected or pending. Please forward me your approval email (matt [at] twitter.com) and I'll track down where things went wrong.

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On May 26, 2009, at 7:16 PM, jobtrain wrote:

HI Matt,

Thanks very much - the account name is @hashjobs



On May 26, 1:32 pm, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:
Hi there,

     There is no known issue surrounding white listing. The most
common cause for what you are describing is hosting providers that use
NAT causing your requests to show up under a different IP address. If
you provide the account screen name I can double check it is correctly
white listed.

  – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
      Twitter Dev

On May 26, 2009, at 9:55 AM,jobtrainwrote:

Both my Twitter account and IP address were whitelisted, but I am
still being limited.  Nothing really changed after the whitelist
update.  I am getting limited in the amount that I can post updates,
it's still at about 100/hour.

Is this just a bug, or is it perhaps something that I am doing?  Or
has Twitter just been bogged down recently?


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