Hi Jonas,

Yes, they are. The since= parameter should not be required, can you share the URL you're getting the error from?

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On May 27, 2009, at 1:13 PM, Jonas wrote:


Okay, I'm switching back to search.atom.  However, I still get an
"Invalid Parameter" error when since= is not empty.

Are all the parameters that are available to the search command also
available to the search.atom command?


On May 27, 3:41 pm, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:
Hi Jonas,

     It is not safe to use and will go away at some point. It was
added for questionable reasons and has never been linked to or
documented. Having said that I don't remove it because people have
changed .atom to .rss and started relying on it. Please don't use it
since it has some known bugs and less data than the atom version
(thank you RSS spec for not having a link with a rel attribute).

  – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
      Twitter Dev

On May 27, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Jonas wrote:


I was using the search.atom command and just happened to try
search.rss.  I was surprised that this works because I didn't see it
documented in the api docs. Is search.rss documented anywhere? Is it
safe to use?

I noticed two problem with search.rss.

1) When since= is empty the returned rss always contains a
twitter:warning element.

2) When near= is not empty (for instance near=NYC) I always get a 406
http error.


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