On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 4:53 AM, grand_unifier <jijodasgu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> i have written a code to get all tweets that have urls in them in atom
> or json format.....
> now i want a way to:
> 1>separate the urls from the tweets....like a tweetmeme way...
> 2>find out if the url represents a video...
> how will i do that??

I don't think anyone can answer this in detail without knowing what language
are you writing this code in.  You should be able to use a regular
expression to extract the URLs and then use the file extension to detect
whether or not it is a direct link to a video file.  But if it is a link to
a page that contains a video, you'll have to fetch the page and examine its

There are some URL patterns that you probably can assume point to pages that
contain video, such as YouTube URLs.


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