Hi there,

It looks like this went out along with a few other things yesterday. I'll get a fix ready to be deployed today.

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:13 AM, Xim wrote:

It looks like the problem in meta tag that twitter uses for client
side redirection. It misses "url=..." in

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; http://example.com"; />

it should be

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://example.com"; />

Guys from twitter, it would be great if you fix it ASAP.


On 2 июн, 06:13, Dave <phpar...@gmail.com> wrote:
Did something just change like around 9:30PM Eastern. The oauth
authorization was working great in IE but all the sudden it stopped.
It appears twitter is not returning with the auth token or something
I'm just get bounce around a little then it settles on this error

Woah there!
This page requires some information that was not provided. Please
return to the site that sent you to this page and try again ... it was
probably an honest mistake.

It's still working fine in FF and I never say it's not my code but
considering this example site (http://twitter.abrah.am/) I found in
twitter's documentation doesn't work anymore either in IE I'm gonna
have to say it's not my code.

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