Hi Dale,

There hasn't been and change in the follow email policy to my knowledge. In the example you provided where you un-follow and re- follow are you getting the mail inconsistently or never? Knowing which should help me track down that case at the very least.

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On Jun 1, 2009, at 6:49 PM, Dale Cook wrote:

Our application (glu) relies on follow notifications so that we can
follow back anyone that follows us. we're now only receiving follow
notifications intermitently.

If we use one of our test accounts, that already follows glu, unfollow
them,  log out, remove them from our follow list on the glu account,
log back in with the test account and then follow glu again we do not
recieve the follow email, or any email of the kind.

We are receiving direct message mails though.

Has the policy on follow emails changed recently and we're just not
aware of it, or is something up?


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