Reposting. I should have fixed the horrendous spelling my phone dished out. Sorry for the double post, but this one should be clearer…

Thanks. I have a feeling I'm going to go over the 20,000 a hour hit rate limit. Are those hard limits or does Twitter make concessions to busy sites?

I can not have the user login, too much of a barrier. I figure each visit is going to be at best 2 API hits, and at worst, maybe 4.

That's about 5000 unique visits per hour. I'll cache the page entirely so reload happy people to dot mess things up.

After the 4 hits, there will be Ajax enabled options that allow them to drill in and hit Twitter more.

5000 a hour will soon become 2500 an hour. Respectible, but if I have my way, this site will get more traffic than that. Suggestions?
Iphone says hello.

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