Hi there:

I'm trying to do a search like this:

curl -i "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=txcomptroller";

and I get this:

------------------ 8< ---------------- 8< ---------------------
    <link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="http://twitter.com/
    <content type="html">RT &lt;a href="http://twitter.com/
txcomptroller"&gt;@txcomptroller&lt;/a&gt;: On the Money: See how
Texas local governments earn stimulus dollars and learn how to tap
into federal grants. http:// ...</content>
------------------ 8< ---------------- 8< ---------------------

As you can see the status ends with "http:// ...", but if you go to
the real status "http://twitter.com/SanAngeloEcoDev/statuses/
2516021916" you can see the whole status, in this example:

"RT @txcomptroller: On the Money: See how Texas local governments earn
stimulus dollars and learn how to tap into federal grants. http://sn.im/majgz";

All the status is there! with the full URL at the end. So, is search
API limited? Is this a BUG? What's wrong?

Thanks in advance:


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