The result:


Thanks jmathai :)

On 27 jul, 23:23, jmathai <> wrote:
> JDG is probably correct.
> $ch = curl_init('');
> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
> $result = curl_exec($ch);
> $sXml = simplexml_load_string($result);
> var_dump($sXml);
> On Jul 27, 4:45 pm, oscarva <> wrote:
> > Please help :(
> > On 25 jul, 01:05, oscarva <> wrote:
> > > I am tring to do a Api call using simple xml and twitter search API.
> > > $rss = simplexml_load_file('
> > > q=Google');
> > > foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item){
> > >     $title = utf8_decode($item->title);
> > >     $url = $item->link;
> > > }
> > > The error log tells me the following:
> > > PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_file() [<a href='function.simplexml-load-
> > > file'>function.simplexml-load-file</a>]: I/O warning : failed to load
> > > external entity &quot;
> > > q=Google&quot; in /home/xxx/public_html/test/status.php on line 10
> > > [error] [client] PHP Warning:  simplexml_load_file
> > > ( [<a
> > > href='function.simplexml-load-file'>function.simplexml-load-file</a>]:
> > > failed to open stream: Connection timed out in /home/xxx/public_html/
> > > test/status.php on line 10
> > > PHP Version 5.2.8
> > > This only happens on my server, since in local working properly.  :(
> > > Please Help. Thaks ;)

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