Like Duane said, just code around it. It's wise to do that for all GET
methods. You may just be hitting a replicated Twitter database that
has not replicated correctly, or is suffering some kind of lag. Best
to make your code resilient against those issues.


On Aug 12, 3:35 pm, PJB <> wrote:
> Before I bring you back to your regularly scheduled programming
> concerning intellectual property issues and whether or not someone may
> or may not be sued, I do have something API-related...
> Is anyone else experiencing problems today with friends/ids and
> followers/ids returning empty sets, yet with no errors?  The JSON
> returned does not time out and is well-formed, but there are zero ids
> returned, when the queried for user clearly has friends/followers.
> This problem occurs intermittently.  Anyone else?

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