There's probably a defect in the last version of the server, or maybe
there's an inconsistent auth database that's tripping things up. I
tried to reproduce this numerous ways last night, and I think I saw
this issue once, but I wasn't sure. If there's a defect, it's subtle.

Please reproduce in the conditions that I described above -- no other
Streaming API clients running -- no activity for 15 minutes. Then send
the time, a screen trace with screen name to john at I'll
try to reproduce again.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Sep 5, 1:02 am, jfgorski <> wrote:
> I gave it a shot, but I'm still getting the same result. I tried a few
> accounts from a few ips, and also a new account from a new ip and I
> always get the 401 on the second connect.
> If it helps, I tried another api call repeatedly that requires auth
> ( and it gives me 200 every
> time (with X-RateLimit-Remaining decremented each time).
> Also, as I mentioned in my first post, I didn't have this problem
> until recently (don't know exactly when).
> On Sep 4, 11:11 pm, John Kalucki <> wrote:
> > It appears you are being rate limited for various authentication
> > failures and constraint violations, etc.
> > Stop all streaming api clients for at least 15 minutes. You should
> > then be able to connect several times before getting 401 errors again.
> > -John Kalucki
> > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > On Sep 4, 10:02 pm, jfgorski <> wrote:
> > > I'm running into a problem reconnecting to the streaming api. On
> > > reconnect I get 401 unauthorized.
> > > I run for example
> > >   curl '
> > > follow=123,12085,11' -ugsnap_api:... -vvvvvv
> > > and it works and I get the output
> > > * About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
> > > *   Trying connected
> > > * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> > > * Server auth using Basic with user 'gsnap_api'
> > > > GET /1/statuses/filter.json?follow=123,12085,11 HTTP/1.1
> > > > Authorization: Basic ...
> > > > User-Agent: curl/7.18.2 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.2 
> > > > NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.14 libssh2/0.18
> > > > Host:
> > > > Accept: */*
> > > I wait 10 sec, hit ^c, wait another 10 sec, and run the command again
> > > but this time I get 401 unauthorized
> > > * About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
> > > *   Trying connected
> > > * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> > > * Server auth using Basic with user 'gsnap_api'> GET 
> > > /1/statuses/filter.json?follow=123,12085,11 HTTP/1.1
> > > > Authorization: Basic ...
> > > > User-Agent: curl/7.18.2 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.2 
> > > > NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.14 libssh2/0.18
> > > > Host:
> > > > Accept: */*
> > > < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
> > > * Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
> > > < WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Firehose"
> > > < Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store
> > > < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> > > < Content-Length: 1296
> > > < Server: Jetty(6.1.17)
> > > <
> > > <html>
> > > <head>
> > > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> > > charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
> > > <title>Error 401 UNAUTHORIZED</title>
> > > </head>
> > > <body>
> > > <h2>HTTP ERROR: 401</h2>
> > > <p>Problem accessing /1/statuses/filter.json. Reason:
> > > <pre>    UNAUTHORIZED</pre></p>
> > > <hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>
> > > After a few minutes during which I don't run the command, I'm able to
> > > repeat the above scenario.
> > > Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or what the problem is? I used
> > > to be able to run such scenarios fine, but now they fail (with both
> > > the old and new streaming api).
> > > thanks for any help,
> > > John

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