I think I understand this better now and have applied for a white
listed IP.


On Sep 10, 4:31 pm, Mytweetopics <monsoon....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Our app has been using twitter RSS for a while for fetching status
> updates of users. 
> (e.g.http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/serenity.atom). Its worked
> fine. But in the last couple of days we are getting more and more
> error 400 when we do the HTTP get on the ATOM URL. The IP of the
> machine that is making the requests is We don't poll
> for a given user's feed more than once an hour.
> Are ATOM requests throttled whereas API requests are not by twitter?
> Is this issue arising because we are using the ATOM based API and not
> the "formal Twitter API"?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> rahul

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