My site, will do this for you - we provide filters and such to
keep out auto-dms as well. If you'd like to offer it to your users let me
know and we can work something out that works out seamlessly for you.
Also, yesterday we just launched an anti-virus/anti-worm solution that,
regardless of auto-follow will keep out the DMs from your friends with
malicious links in them, and reports them to @spam on Twitter.  Contact me
if you'd like to integrate any of this into your apps.  I'd like to get this
into more desktop clients so we can proactively keep out the malicious links
and compromised accounts from Twitter.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:32 PM, fbrunel <> wrote:

> > That is correct, or you could setup a system where the new follower
> > emails get forwarded to a script that triggers a mutual follow back.
> > Though you may run into rate-limit problems if you happen to get more
> > than 1000 a day.
> Ok, I'll check this out.
> Thanks for your help.

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