Did you originally acquired an access token when the app settings was read
only and then switched it to read/write later? This is a common cause. Try
logging into twitter.com and revoking access to the application. Then when
you get new access tokens it should work.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 17:40, Jeremy Glazman <jglaz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone encountered this problem?
> The "Default Access type" of my app is set to "Read & Write", and my
> app can authenticate with OAuth and perform all sorts of reads with no
> problem, but whenever I try to write (specifically when I try to tweet
> from my app) I get a 401 "Operation could not be completed" error.
> I'm developing on an iPhone using the MGTwitterEngine 1.0.8 with OAuth
> support, and using a secure (https) connection.

Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist | http://web608.org
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