For what it's worth (if it helps debug the problem), my code was
working just fine, until about two weeks ago, and then the same piece
of code, started returning the failed to open stream error.

On Oct 25, 10:20 am, TrixJo <> wrote:
> I have used the ampersand which is displayed in my code here:
> are there any other takers who can give me advice on why I get the
> errors:
> failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
> On Oct 24, 1:23 pm, Mark Mcbride <> wrote:
> > If you're embedding that URL in XML you will need to XML encode it...  
> > In this specific case the ampersand (&q=...) needs to be replaced with  
> > &amp;
> > Sent from mobile device
> > On Oct 24, 2009, at 10:19 AM, JDG <> wrote:
> > > You sure that's where the error is? there have been numerous  
> > > reported problems with PHP's JSON decoder that it doesn't handle the  
> > > very large numbers of Twitter's IDs well.
> > > On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 11:11, TrixJo <> wrote:
> > > Hello
> > > I am trying to search twitter content using a mySQL/PHP entry in a
> > > table:
> > > $contents = file_get_contents(
> > >                    "
> > > lang=en&rpp=5&q=".urlencode($row[topicTitle]));
> > > $json = json_decode($contents);
> > > I am returning the results via AJAX as an XML file
> > > The problem that I get is:
> > > XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
> > > Location:
> > > Line Number 77, Column 44:    [refresh_url] => ?
> > > since_id=5126537872&q=Indonesia
> > > where "Indonesia" happens to be the value of $row[topicTitle]
> > > The problem is with the value of $row[topicTitle]  -- doesn't matter
> > > if the term is "Indonesia" or any other word or phrase (I tried a
> > > bunch) -- I keep getting that XML error
> > > I also tried enclosing it with single quotes, same error
> > > help please?
> > > --
> > > Internets. Serious business.

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