I have noticed the same recently. This should probably be logged as a bug?
It's a core twitter bug though, not with the API...

On 11/2/09 9:25 PM, "TCI" <ticoconid...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am noticing an increase in the number of avatar images which do not
> get shrinked in the smaller versions. It is most noticeable in the
> twitter.com homepage as the images load very slowly from top to
> bottom. How are your clients handling this? In my case I am assuming
> the shrinking is working and therefore my page load times are being
> affected.
> Example:
> http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/506101471/Copy__2__of_Francesca__4__bigger.
> jpg
> http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/506101471/Copy__2__of_Francesca__4__normal.
> jpg
> are all the same...

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