Would somebody take me off this damn mailing list? When I got to the homepage 
to unsubscribe it says I can't because I am not currently a member. Well then 
why am I getting these emails? Make them stop please.

From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:26 PM
To: Digest Recipients 
Subject: [twitter-dev] Digest for twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com - 
11 Messages in 4 Topics

  Today's Topic Summary
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/topics

  a.. Please allow me to see people who RT me! ! [6 Updates] 
  b.. Kill the new RT feature - it's non-relational [3 Updates] 
  c.. Geotagging API [1 Update] 
  d.. Can't post tweets from my server with an account [1 Update] 
 Topic: Please allow me to see people who RT me! !
  Chuck Blakeman <cfblake...@gmail.com> Nov 22 08:46AM -0700

  Unless I'm missing something here, this is the single worst (and only)
  degradation of service Twitter has ever put in place. A big step backwards
  for three reasons - 1) It completely ignores the concept of relationship
  building, 2) it promotes elitist arrogance on Twitter, and 3) it will
  increase meaningless RTs exponentially - What am I missing here on what's
  good about this?
  Ignoring Relationship Building
  People gravitate toward people they enjoy communicating with - that's how we
  build friends in any context. One of the main ways I find people I want to
  meet is that they like what I say, and more often than not, an RT tells me
  they like what I say, and I do the same for them. To keep me from being
  able to see people who like what I say removes one of the best ways of
  building relationships Twitter has. I NEED to see an RT from people who
  aren't following me to help me build my business.
  Elitist Arrrogance
  Being annoyed by people retweeting you is like an author being annoyed that
  people showed up at their book signing - how elitist to turn up your nose at
  people who like what you say. Gee, sorry about that. This mindset doesn't
  want to build relationships but just wants to be able to count how many
  faceless, nameless people RT them - how arrogant is that?
  Increased Meaningless RT Traffic
  Before this feature, you actually had to do a little work to RT - copy,
  paste, put RT in front of it and send. Ouch - that's a lot of work. But
  that tiny bit of work kept people from senselessly RT'ing just to gain
  followers - it was too cumbersome to use effectively for spamming. Now by
  the simple push of a button people will be RT'ing like changing TV channels
  w/ a remote, and you won't really know if it meant enough to them to put a
  little effort into building that relationship with you - just stop holding
  your finger up and let it fall - that really shows a how much that comment
  meant to you?
  Twitter started out as a tool to build relationships. It has become less
  and less personal. This new RT'ing feature reduces your ability to build
  relationships, plays to the arrogant elite, and makes it easier for people
  to use RT'ing and 10 different ghost accounts to spam people to death. And
  this is an upgrade? Hmmm.... not seeing it. Facebook is starting to look
  good all of a sudden.

  Michael Ekstrand <mich...@elehack.net> Nov 22 10:14AM -0600

  Chuck Blakeman wrote:
  > and 3) it will increase meaningless RTs exponentially - What am I
  > missing here on what's good about this?
  Have you tried looking at the "Your tweets, retweeted" tab in the
  Retweets page on Twitter's web site?
  - Michael
  mouse, n: A device for pointing at the xterm in which you want to type.
  Confused by the strange files? I cryptographically sign my messages.
  For more information see <http://www.elehack.net/resources/gpg>.

  chuckblakeman <cfblake...@gmail.com> Nov 22 09:24AM -0800

  I don't see any RTs in the "Your tweets, retweeted" tab from people
  WHO AREN'T FOLLOWING ME. I want to see those!
  Is there a way for me to see people who RT me who aren't following
  me? That's the biggest problem i see with this, and unless I can find
  those people, this whole "upgrade" ignores some basic fundamentals of
  building relationships.
  Imagine having people visit your blog and try to leave a comment that
  they agree with you and you're not allowed to see it. And this is an
  upgrade? Still not seeing any upgrade here.

  Duane Roelands <duane.roela...@gmail.com> Nov 22 11:13AM -0800

  I believe the "Retweets Of Me" timeline is what you're looking for.

  chuckblakeman <cfblake...@gmail.com> Nov 22 11:44AM -0800

  I'm confusing you - I meant to say I want to see the RTs of people WHO
  DO NOT FOLLOW ME. How do I view those?

  Zac Bowling <zbowl...@gmail.com> Nov 22 12:54PM -0800

  This a twitter developers list. Try twitter on getsatisfaction,com or
  http://help.twitter.com to contact twitter support.
  We are the last group to want to hear you scream about how horrible twitter
  is, and how it's hurting your user experience as an end user trying to game
  twitter to build your personal brand. Also as third party engineers we are
  all probably the last to care to be preached at about "twitter elitism".
  Zac Bowling

 Topic: Kill the new RT feature - it's non-relational
  chuckblakeman <cfblake...@gmail.com> Nov 22 07:49AM -0800

  Unless I'm missing something here, this is the single worst (and only)
  degradation of service Twitter has ever put in place. A big step
  backwards for three reasons - 1) It completely ignores the concept of
  relationship building, 2) it promotes elitist arrogance on Twitter,
  and 3) it will increase meaningless RTs exponentially - What am I
  missing here on what's good about this?
  Ignoring Relationship Building
  People gravitate toward people they enjoy communicating with - that's
  how we build friends in any context. One of the main ways I find
  people I want to meet is that they like what I say, and more often
  than not, an RT tells me they like what I say, and I do the same for
  them. To keep me from being able to see people who like what I say
  removes one of the best ways of building relationships Twitter has. I
  NEED to see an RT from people who aren't following me to help me build
  my business.
  Elitist Arrogance
  Being annoyed by people retweeting you is like an author being annoyed
  that people showed up at their book signing - how elitist to turn up
  your nose at people who like what you say. Gee, sorry about that.
  This mindset doesn't want to build relationships but just wants to be
  able to count how many faceless, nameless people RT them - how
  arrogant is that?
  Increased Meaningless RT Traffic
  Before this feature, you actually had to do a little work to RT -
  copy, paste, put RT in front of it and send. Ouch - that's a lot of
  work. But that tiny bit of work kept people from senselessly RT'ing
  just to gain followers - it was too cumbersome to use effectively for
  spamming. Now by the simple push of a button people will be RT'ing
  like changing TV channels w/ a remote, and you won't really know if it
  meant enough to them to put a little effort into building that
  relationship with you - just stop holding your finger up and let it
  fall - that really shows a how much that comment meant to you?
  Twitter started out as a tool to build relationships. It has become
  less and less personal. This new RT'ing feature reduces your ability
  to build relationships, plays to the arrogant elite, and makes it
  easier for people to use RT'ing and 10 different ghost accounts to
  spam people to death. And this is an upgrade? Hmmm.... not seeing
  it. Facebook is starting to look good all of a sudden.

  Duane Roelands <duane.roela...@gmail.com> Nov 22 11:12AM -0800

  I lost tack of how many times you contradicted yourself, so I'll just
  point out the big one.
  ...and then...
  " I NEED to see an RT from people who aren't following me to help me
  build my business."
  You didn't have the option to filter retweets from non-followers
  before. This feature makes that possible for developers to give you
  that feature in client software. So, this feature makes it POSSIBLE
  to give you the feature you want when it wasn't possible before.
  Maybe you want this feature, maybe you don't. I can't tell from your
  ranting which you want or don't want. But, this change puts more
  control in the hands of developers and that's a good thing. You may
  or may not agree with that. You'll probably agree AND disagree in the
  same response.

  Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com> Nov 23 06:26AM +1100

  > Ignoring Relationship Building
  Quite the contrary. If one of my friends retweets someone that I'm not
  following and it's interesting enough, I'll probably follow the
  original author. It's a way for your followers to show interesting
  thoughts and things that they thing THEIR followers will thing it's
  interesting enough to follow.
  > Elitist Arrogance
  As far as I know, you don't see when one of your followers retweets
  someone you posted.
  > Increased Meaningless RT Traffic
  'Cause all Twitter traffic is meaningful? It can be abused, yes. But
  EVERYTHING twitter provides in the form of APIs can be abused in a way
  or another. Mass following/unfollowing, by any chance?
  > Summary
  Summary: You don't understand twitter or the new retweet feature.
  Julio Biason <julio.bia...@gmail.com>
  Twitter: http://twitter.com/juliobiason

 Topic: Geotagging API
  JOHN OBRIEN <john.obr...@twangu.com> Nov 22 11:51AM -0500

  Raffi - thanks for confirming that only type Point is being leveraged 
  at this time... made my update to TwapperKeeper much easier this 
  Of course, I created a little technical baggage depending on when 
  other types are leveraged.. but will cross that bridge when the time 
  Thanks again,
  On Nov 21, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:

 Topic: Can't post tweets from my server with an account
  Damdam <damiengui...@gmail.com> Nov 22 03:51AM -0800

  Hi there,
  I have an issue when trying to post a tweet from my server with my
  personal account (no problem with others). For example, from my
  Macbook, I tried :
  curl -u damdam:(password) -d status="" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml
  and I have a correct answer (no status).
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>Client must provide a 'status' parameter with a value.</error>
  Good answer :-)
  Same curl from my sever, but not the same rely:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <error>Could not authenticate you.</error>
  Everything was right, but this happened after my account has been
  hacked (I changed the password, etc).
  Could you help me finding what's wrong (IP banned for one account ???)
  Thanks !
  I'm the developer of boarding.fr (tweet #boarding along with your
  airport code) and eyetweet.net ;

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