I have been getting the same error for a few days now. Twitter's JS is
failing with "twttr is not defined" on line 1332

1326<script type="text/javascript">
1328 page.user_screenname = '<screenname_deleted>';
1329 page.user_fullname = '<fullname_deleted>';
1330 page.controller_name = 'AccountController';
1331 page.action_name = 'profile';
1332 twttr.form_authenticity_token = '<token_deleted>';
1333 // FIXME: Reconcile with the kinds on the Status model.
1334 twttr.statusKinds = {
1335 UPDATE: 1,
1336 SHARE: 2
1337 };
1338 twttr.ListPerUserLimit = 20;

Using Firefox 3.5.5 on Ubuntu 9.10. I have not changed or update any
extensions immediately prior to this error beginning to occur.

On Nov 9, 5:01 pm, markbrown4 <markbro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been getting the following when trying to follow another user for
> the last couple of days..
> $.metadata is undefined
> [Break on this error] $.metadata.setType("attr","data");var
> LI...wrong. Please try again!")).show()}}))};lists.js...257546991
> (line 1)
> twttr is not defined
> [Break on this error] twttr.form_authenticity_token = 'a...
> 3677c17c35b33e3f21ce57c831f556b90bd16';\ndaniel15 (line 747)
> initializePage is not defined
> [Break on this error] initializePage();\n

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