Hi Twitter API folks,

Over the last few months, there's been some big new features to the
API to match the Twitter.com feature set. Whilst that's awesome for
third-party developers and users alike, the rate limit has remained
the same. Looking back over the documentation, the last increase was
in June of this year, from 100 requests per 60 minute window to 150
requests - long before the lists or retweet features became available.

Whilst I'm *fully* aware that we (as a developer community) can
minimise the number of calls to the API, with new features being added
- and the related query-chaining that may be needed to provide folks
with an experience such as they're used to on the Twitter Web site
with the bells and whistles - are there any plans to increase the rate
limit for applications?

I should just add: this is in no way a whiny post at the rate limiting
that's currently in effect. We're not hearing of Socialite hitting the
rate limit a great deal (as we're deliberately refreshing Lists every
third refresh to preserve API calls) - I'm just posting to see what
the Twitter API team's thoughts are :)



Nik Fletcher
Support / QA Manager
Realmac Software

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