Yes. When I get Unix time and substract it from reset-time-in-seconds,
I get 3600. It might help if that's noted in the API (in addition to
an example of the return structure).

BTW, thanks for the quick response. For months, I have been posting
questions, with no responses.

On Jan 24, 5:44 pm, ryan alford <> wrote:
> If I am not mistaken, the reset time in seconds is the number of seconds
> from 1/1/1970.
> Ryan
> Sent from my DROID
> On Jan 24, 2010 8:42 PM, "EastSideDev" <> wrote:
> When I get the rate_limit_status.xml, this is what I get:
> Array
> (
>    [hash] => Array
>        (
>            [hourly-limit] => Array
>                (
>                    [content] => 20000
>                    [attributes] => Array
>                        (
>                            [type] => integer
>                        )
>                )
>            [reset-time-in-seconds] => Array
>                (
>                    [content] => 1264386634
>                    [attributes] => Array
>                        (
>                            [type] => integer
>                        )
>                )
>            [reset-time] => Array
>                (
>                    [content] => 2010-01-25T02:30:34+00:00
>                    [attributes] => Array
>                        (
>                            [type] => datetime
>                        )
>                )
>            [remaining-hits] => Array
>                (
>                    [content] => 20000
>                    [attributes] => Array
>                        (
>                            [type] => integer
>                        )
>                )
>        )
> )
> The value for [reset-time-in-seconds] cannot be right. The reset time
> seems right, but I would rather work with an integer value. What am I
> doing wrong? Is this a Twitter API bug?

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