I've tried to send request several times but without any success. I
even send message to meber of twitter team (j...@twitter.com)

Copy below. Please say what should I do to be whitelisted?

My apologies for emailing you directly, but the issue is so urgent I
can’t wait anymore.

I’m the author of @unfollowr, a service that keeps track on who’s
following people and DMs them when they’re unfollowed by someone. The
service is highly demanded, it currently has more than 16,000
subscribers (almost 26,000 for 2nd of Feb). As a result, there are
thousands (20 000 and (much) more) DMs to be sent daily. The only
thing impeding this is API’s daily limit, and I’ve sent a request to
whitelist @unfollowr, but I haven’t received a response yet.

An indirect proof of popularity and demandness is 1st place in apps
category of 2010 Shorty Awards. @unfollowr is very likely to win the
competition in this category and gain more visibility and more
subscribers. So, I kindly request you to resolve the issue as soon as

Thank you so much in advance!

Ivan Babrou, http://twitter.com/ibobrik

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