Well I have Lon/lat data for all (not just major, all) US ans CA
cities so converting the location name to Lon/lat data is somehing I
can do in house. I can even do my own radius calculations no sweat. I
just am having trouble determining how I go about filtering out the
garbage in the location field and finding actual usable city/state

Knowing how Twitter does it sure would help!

I wonder if they are using IP location info in their determination...

On Mar 5, 3:51 pm, "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky" <zzn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Quoting Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com>:
> > Parsing the location field is probably your best bet, but I'd say you have a
> > challenging road ahead.  It is indeed a mess, but there are geocoding
> > solutions available to try and sort this stuff out.
> Be *very* careful with "geocoding solutions", especially taking note  
> of the terms of service and licensing constraints. Google, Yahoo and  
> Microsoft all have restrictions on what you can do with their tools.  
> There are some open source / "free as in freedom" tools too, but they  
> may be more limited.
> I've spent a number of hours recently working with various open source  
> projects associated with mapping earthquake and other disaster zones,  
> and this is a constant source of frustration. I'm guessing it would be  
> even more a source of frustration if you're building marketing / sales  
> tools rather than non-profit ones. People trapped in the rubble of a  
> collapsed build usually *want* to be found; people sitting in a  
> restaurant having a glass of wine with some friends might not. ;-)
> --
> M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
> borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/
> "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdos

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