On 03/26/2010 11:39 PM, Harshad RJ wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 9:03 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky 
> <zzn...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> The "Sample" streams I've looked at *do* contain retweets. If a tweet is
>> a re-tweet created with the built-in retweet button, it has an embedded
>> "retweeted_status" object, which is the original tweet. I haven't looked
>> to see if the "source" value is copied from the original tweet into the
>> retweet.
> You are right; the retweets do appear in the stream. The source inside the
> "retweeted_status" object is the original application, but the source in the
> outermost object is the application used for retweeting. It is this
> outermost source that I have been using in the stats. Which means the
> rankings are as I intended and UberTwitter is indeed at #2.
> I found that the volume of retweets is very tiny in the sample feed. I have
> already deployed a change to my stat collector to record the retweet
> information. Will make changes to the UI in a few days to reflect this data.
> I will soon writeup all these details and make it available in the stats
> page somewhere.
> Thanks for bringing this to my notice.
> cheers,

So if someone sends a tweet from a Blackberry with UberTwitter, and 100
people retweet it from TweetDeck, how many counts does each application

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