2010/4/14 Mad Euchre <mad.ukrain...@gmail.com>:
> Can someone please tell me why some tweets have the following as the
> text?
> "text":"\uc624\ub298 \uc2dc\uac00\ucd1d\uc561\uc774 $AAPL \uc740
> $208.0B \uc774\uace0 $GOOG \uc740 $177.2B \ub124\uc694.
> \uadf8\ub3d9\uc548 \uc5c5\uce58\ub77d \ub4a4\uce58\ub77d\ud558\ub358
> \ub450 \ud68c\uc0ac\uc758 \uc2dc\uac00\ucd1d\uc561 \uacbd\uc7c1\uc740
> \uc544\uc774\ud328\ub4dc \ubc1c\ud45c\ub97c \uc804\ud6c4\ud574\uc11c
> \uc560\ud50c \ucabd\uc73c\ub85c \uae30\uc6b0\ub294 \uac83
> \uac19\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ubb3c\ub860 \ud5a5\ud6c4\uc5d0 \uc5b4\ub5bb
> \uac8c \ub420\uc9c...
> Thanks,
> Peter

Because not everyone speaks English and ASCII.

∞ Andy Badera
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