Yes, granted my app for xAuth...
Any suggestion on what I should do to fix the issue?
I did all I can and I'm STUCK at the point.
This xauth issue is holding back the release of my app for a week :(

On Apr 20, 1:27 pm, Taylor Singletary <>
> Hi Sae,
> Have you received approval for using xAuth in your application yet by
> emailing ? I'm not familiar enough with Objective-C to
> understand the error, but your signature base string and authorization
> header look otherwise correct on first glance.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:13 PM, sae <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I just set up my application for xauth and started testing.
> > It keeps failing with error message:
> > Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 UserInfo=0x268d70 "Operation
> > could not be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012.)
> > What is this error?  Is anything wrong with my app setting, or my
> > parameter  may not be correct?
> > Any clue will be really appreciated...
> > Here is the copy of signature-base-string and authorization header,
> > which all look ok to me:
> > POST&
> > %2Faccess_token&oauth_consumer_key%3Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%26oauth_nonce
> > %3D684B1D0C-4276-47BD-9A43-C31FDDD0DD8A%26oauth_signature_method
> > %3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1271708678%26oauth_version
> > %3D1.0%26x_auth_mode%3Dclient_auth%26x_auth_password%3Dxxxxxx
> > %26x_auth_username%3Dyyyyy
> > OAuth realm=\"\",
> > oauth_consumer_key=\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\",
> > oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",
> > oauth_signature=\"rg5s%2BW8wMxSx5MJt0wV3idqjriI%3D\",
> > oauth_timestamp=\"1271708678\",
> > oauth_nonce=\"684B1D0C-4276-47BD-9A43-C31FDDD0DD8A\",
> > oauth_version=\"1.0\";
> > --
> > Subscription settings:
> >

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