Personally thought the new pages were a vast improvement on the old ones in
terms of finding what I need. Usability is in the way the user thinks, I

On 28 April 2010 15:11, Josh Roesslein <> wrote:

> Yeah one improvement may be to place the API "hurl" tool into each API
> documentation page
> with all parameter pre-filled so it is ready to be experiment with to see
> how the responses look.
> This also helps avoid out of date info if the responses should change.
> Josh
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Taylor Singletary <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback, Jonathon. We're working to address all these pain
>> points on an ongoing basis.
>> Taylor Singletary
>> Developer Advocate, Twitter
>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Jonathon Hill <>wrote:
>>> The new website that launched at Chirp a few weeks ago
>>> is very nice and attractive but there are several major usability
>>> issues:
>>> * The new API documentation does not provide return values of the API
>>> calls. The old wiki provided this information, along with usage notes
>>> that are not present either on the new site.
>>> * It is difficult to look up API endpoints required for a given type
>>> of functionality. If you don't remember the exact endpoint to look
>>> for, it can be frustrating trying to find the right one. This would
>>> easily be fixed using a more descriptive list of endpoints, and/or
>>> more visual contrast between headings and list items.
>>> * I tend to overlook the endpoint description in the blue header
>>> section. My eyes expect it in the white area below. Please move it,
>>> and make it stand out more.
>>> * The Supported formats, Supported request methods, Requires
>>> Authentication, and Rate Limited sections use up an awful lot of
>>> vertical space on the page unnecessarily. Making each one of these a
>>> heading also dilutes the visual hierarchy on the page and takes away
>>> from more detailed and important information on the page, from a
>>> reference standpoint. I think these would be more effectively
>>> presented as a list under a "Metadata" heading, or as a small table.
>>> * The API console is very restricted without login and registration of
>>> an app. I think this is a mistake. Login should be required only for
>>> those calls that require authentication.
>>> * The API console would be much easier to use if there were parameter
>>> hints for each call on the page somewhere. Prepopulating the parameter
>>> list would be awesome!
>>> These are all things that have been kindof in my face as I've tried to
>>> use in my day to day development work. I would be
>>> delighted if you would address these issues.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jonathon Hill
>>> Company52
>>> @compwright

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