We have an application at work that periodically collects popular
article links and posts them to a number of separate twitter accounts.
Currently, we store the login details for each account in our database
and access them when we see that there's new content to post.

I'm trying to figure out how to update the to the new OAuth APIs. I
saw an one post here where it was suggested that a stored oauth_tokens
be used to post to the account an app was associated with. Your OAuth
page on dev.twitter.com has an example of a user logging into an app
and that app sending the user off to authorization.

However, neither of these scenarios really matches we're doing. We're
posting to multiple accounts on behalf of those Twitter accounts.
They're not online at the time.

Are there any examples similar to what we're doing that show how we
can have a single app post to multiple accounts in an automated

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