Hi Z-13,

  Short Answer: This looks like a bug in Tweetr [5].

  Long Answer: I'm not familiar with Tweetr, and my Action Script is a
bit rusty, but I took a look at the source of the updateStatus method
[1]. It looks like the code calls strEscape [2] (also defined in that
file [3]), which takes care of some common problems. What it does not
do is encode the string as UTF-8. It looks like some special handling
is needed in Action Script [4]. There is already a bug opened again
Tweetr for this [5].

  — Matt "Footnote" Sanford / @mzsanford
    Twitter International

[1] - 

[2] Calling code: vars.status = strEscape(status.substr(0,140));

[3] strEscape:

private function strEscape(value:String):String
            if (_oAuth)
                var str:String = escape(value);
                str = str.replace(/\//g, "%2F");
                str = str.replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
                str = str.replace(/\+/g, "%2B");
                str = str.replace(/@/g, "%40");
                return str;
            return value;

[4] - 

[5] - http://bugs.swfjunkie.com/task/30?project=3&status%5B0%5D=open

On May 10, 11:54 am, Z-13 <y...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> How does this relate to AIR 1.5 and ActionScript 3?

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