
Joshua and I tried to debug something and found a bug in the
userstream. If you connect for 2 users and send DMs between them,
while being connected with oauth token, only one of them (the sender)
receives it in the stream, the recipient does not.

If you connect the same accounts using basic auth, it works.

Oauth :

pe...@moonmac ..chirpstream> ./test-josh2.rb
#<Chirpstream::Connect::User::Oauth:0x10188dd10> DM : yo ? (from
Fabien Penso (@fabienpenso)) to fabientest
event for fabienpenso

Basic Auth :

pe...@moonmac ..chirpstream> ./test-josh2.rb
#<Chirpstream::Connect::User::Basic:0x10188df40> DM : yo ? (from
Fabien Penso (@fabienpenso)) to fabientest
event for fabienpenso
#<Chirpstream::Connect::User::Basic:0x10188dea0> DM : yo ? (from
Fabien Penso (@fabienpenso)) to fabientest
event for fabientest

Code example :

(Using the chirpstream gem from http://github.com/joshbuddy/chirpstream).

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