Thanks. That clarified it for me. Got it working fine now.


On May 29, 6:31 pm, Abraham Williams <> wrote:
> You get an access token once per user and save it to make all authenticate
> requests. You don't need to get a new access token for each API request.
> Abraham
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 04:55, Gero <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm having some fights with the Scribe java Library and using oauth to
> > post updates to Twitter form GAE. Setup:
> > - Scribe 0.6.6
> > - Scala 2.7.7
> > - running on Google App Engine (same behavior with local dev_appserver
> > of GAE)
> > I have 2 servlets:
> > The OAuthAuthorizationServlet does the initial steps to set up oAuth
> > and redirects to Twitter. It also puts requestToken en
> > requestTokenSecret on the session such that the can be used in the
> > callback.
> >      val session = req.getSession(true)
> >      session.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1)
> >      val scribe = Scribe.getInstance(props)
> >      val requestToken = scribe.getRequestToken()
> >      session.setAttribute("oauth-token", requestToken.getToken)
> >      session.setAttribute("oauth-tokenSecret",
> > requestToken.getSecret)
> >      resp.sendRedirect("
> > oauth_token=" + requestToken.getToken)
> > The above parts seems to work fine, redirects to Twitter, user
> > approves the authorization request and then Twitter redirects to my
> > OAuthCallbackServlet with the code below.
> > The problem now is that the second update request to Twitter always
> > fails with a 401 "Invalid / expired Token" on the call
> > "val accessToken3 = scribe.getAccessToken(new Token(token,
> > tokenSecret), oaverifier)"
> > I've also tried to used the token/tokenSecret/oaverifier in a separate
> > servlet to execute it, but that also results in an error. So I've got
> > the feeling that I'm doing something structurally wrong. When the user
> > has approved the oauth request on Twitter,
> > - What do you need to capture in the callback servlet so that you'll
> > be able to do following post (later in time) without having the user
> > to approve again?
> > - What calls do you have to make? I'm now only creating an
> > accessToken, but do I also have to create a requestToken?
> >      val scribe = Scribe.getInstance(props)
> >      val session = req.getSession(false)
> >      // token and tokenSecret are put on the session by the
> > OAuthAuthorizationServlet above
> >      val token = session.getAttribute("oauth-
> > token").asInstanceOf[String]
> >      val tokenSecret = session.getAttribute("oauth-
> > tokenSecret").asInstanceOf[String]
> >      val oaverifier = req.getParameter("oauth_verifier")
> >      // Post update test 1  <============= This first update works
> > fine
> >      val accessToken2 = scribe.getAccessToken(new Token(token,
> > tokenSecret), oaverifier)
> >      val request2 = new Request(Verb.POST, "
> > statuses/update.xml")
> >      request2.addBodyParameter("status", "test update" +
> > System.currentTimeMillis)
> >      scribe.signRequest(request2, accessToken2)
> >      logger.fine("Request headers: " + request2.getHeaders)
> >      logger.fine("Request body: " + request2.getBodyContents)
> >      val response2 = request2.send()
> >      logger.fine("Response headers: " + response2.getHeaders)
> >      logger.fine("Response body: " + response2.getBody)
> >      val statusCode2 = response2.getCode()
> >      resp.getOutputStream.println("<br/>Status code httpclient post :
> > " + statusCode2)
> >      val body2 = response2.getBody()
> >      resp.getOutputStream.println("<br/>body httpclient post : " +
> > body2)
> >      // EO Post update test 1
> >      // Try to do a second update using the same credentials
> > <=========== this update always fails, unless
> >      // I use the same access token as in the previous test
> > (accessToken2)
> >          // Next line results in the 401 error.
> >          val accessToken3 = scribe.getAccessToken(new Token(token,
> > tokenSecret), oaverifier)
> >          val request3 = new Request(Verb.POST, "
> > statuses/update.xml")
> >          request3.addBodyParameter("status", "test update" +
> > System.currentTimeMillis)
> >          // If I don't use accessToken3 here, but instead the earlier
> > created accessToken2 it does work.
> >          // But I also want to be able to post updates later, based
> > on the captured credentials, so that does not really help.
> >          scribe.signRequest(request3, accessToken3)
> >          val response3 = request3.send()
> >          logger.fine("Response headers: " + response2.getHeaders)
> >          logger.fine("Response body: " + response2.getBody)
> >          val statusCode3 = response3.getCode()
> >          resp.getOutputStream.println("<br/>Status code httpclient
> > post : " + statusCode3)
> >          val body3 = response3.getBody()
> >          resp.getOutputStream.println("<br/>body httpclient post : "
> > + body3)
> > The file is as follows (XXXXXXX are dummy's of
> > course...):
> > consumer.key=XXXXXXXXX
> > consumer.secret=XXXXXXXXXX
> > request.token.verb=POST
> > request.token.url=
> > access.token.verb=POST
> > access.token.url=
> > #callback.url=
> > callback.url=http://localhost:8080/oauth-callback
> > Any help/clarification is appreciated.
> > Gero
> --
> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |
> @abraham ||
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

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