On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:56 AM, byqsri <marco.rizze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can someone give me any suggestion about it?
> Many thanks
> On 1 Giu, 11:08, byqsri <marco.rizze...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm newbie with Twitter API.
>> I use OAuth to do authentication.
>> Now I have this feature to do : From my web application allow to the
>> user to automatically enter on his profile on twitter.
>> Is it possible to do this using only the API and using OAuth
>> (therefore the account crediantials aren't avaible)?
>> Many Thanks

Actually, as I understand it, authentication for that purpose would be
necessary only if the user was keeping their account private or

I'm very mindful of this because this is something I've been obsessed
with over the past two days and nights. I've been saving my followers
into a database and remotely saving their avatars for the purpose of
not hitting rate limits.

I've tried lots of stuff and had previously used simplexml heavily,
until within the past couple of hours when I found out how much easier
and faster json is!

Here is an example (use with PHP):
//$f1 is the user id number already in my database, you can do the
same with user name instead
  $api_call = 'http://twitter.com/users/show/'.$f1.'.json';
  $results = json_decode(file_get_contents($api_call));
$profile_image_url= str_replace('_normal', '_mini',
$description= ($results->description);
$name= ($results->name);
$friends_count= ($results->friends_count);


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