Is this ticket 1296 [1] on the api issues list? If so i'll ask around and
see what the story is.


On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Unfair <> wrote:

> Unfortunately I can't use that because of the volume of requests I
> would need to do for each user, all to get only the IDs from each
> list.  As I alluded to in my previous post, this feature was suggested
> before back in Nov 09 (8 months ago)  and someone from Twitter said
> they were working on adding it, that's why I was wondering about the
> status of the feature.
> Basically just looking for the same thing as the social graph
> features, but for members of a list rather than following/followers
> On Jun 8, 6:19 pm, EEC Group <> wrote:
> > I thnk you have to go through paging and this is only way you can
> > handle - we do it like this
> >
> > M


Matt Harris
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