
My company has developed its own CMS which we use to develop websites
for customers. I'm working on a Twitter plugin to allow people to send
news to Twitter from within the CMS. For the moment, I'm stuck with
the authentication part.

First question:
When I register an application, I must choose a callback URL. In my
case it doesn't make much sense, since the application will run on
each customer's domain (being part of the CMS).
Should I re-register the application for each implementation, or
should I use a single key and add domains ?

Second question:
I'm working locally on the application. I read it's not possible to
add "localhost" as a domain. I added a domain (www.test.com) to my
hosts file, and created a virtual host in my local Apache httpd.conf.
This seems to work fine.

I've set the callback URL to http://company.com in the application
settings, but I'm using the oath_callback parameter to make twitter
redirect to www.test.com/file.php.
This isn't working, Twitter is redirecting to company.com, not the
given oauth_callback URL. Is there something I'm missing ?

Kind regards,

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