On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Raghu Prasad <prasad.ragh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a small application (under testing) which used to update display 
> pictures
> of users via API. It has stopped working for over three weeks. In
> fact, if I change
> the picture via API, I don't get any error, but the picture of that user is
> gone. Even updating profile picture of the same user via Web is acting
> strangely.
> For example my (@raghuprasad) picture is not visible first when I go to the
> settings screen (http://twitter.com/settings/profile). Then if I click
> on the link
> "Delete this image", then it shows up immediately. Then it is visible
> on settings
> screen as well as on my link http://twitter.com/raghuprasad. It seems, 
> something
> is not correct at Twitter end as far as display picture is concerned.
> Or is it something
> done by me which is causing problem.
> BTW, I am using OAuth to access the Twitter APIs for changing DPs.

New update on this:

I have noticed that Twitter is remembering my old display pictures.
Also whenever I am using my application to update a new DP
via API, I loose my picture. Then if I go back to the web interface and
click on the image deletion link on the profile page, one of my older
DP turns up like a resurrection! What is the queue size of old DPs
kept by Twitter?

Is updating a new picture not equivalent to deleting the old and
putting a new one? Earlier, older avatar links used to return an
error when a new one was uploaded via API.


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