Hi there,

The library you're trying to use only uses basic authentication which is
about to completely go away. While there are many reasons your integration
could not be working, the most likely is that you're being rate limited
before you even make your first API call. If you use OAuth for
authentication, you'll have much more fidelity for making API calls as the
shared IP address won't be the single gating factor any more.

Can you describe a bit more about what your intentions are and in what way
your calls are failing?


On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:38 AM, D <hidi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using this http://python-twitter.googlecode.com/hg/twitter.py
> file to access Twitter's UserTimeline and ProfileImg from GAE - Google
> App Engine.
> My GAE app url is http://test.appspot.com and it is accessed using
> custom domain http://www.mydomain.com.
> I tried both URL's in twitter application registration, but its not
> allowing me to access UserTimeLine or ProfileImg on my website.
> Am I doing something wrong? Please Help.

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