That's using Basic Auth which has been removed from the API, you need
to use oAuth now.

You could try something like this (
VBScriptOAuth/) I've not actually tried this myself as I've not used
Classic ASP in over 6 years now.


On Sep 17, 12:55 pm, twitterceylan <> wrote:
> Hello I found to bellow asp code for update twitter status, but it not
> work.
> Please help me for this aim.
> <%
> Response.Buffer = True
> Dim xml
> Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
> twitter_username = "username" 'change to your twitter username
> twitter_password = "password" 'change to your twitter password
> new_status = "visit!"         'change to your new status
> xml.Open "POST", "http://"; & twitter_username & ":" & twitter_password
> & "" &
> server.URLencode(new_status), False
> xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "content=text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1"
> xml.Send
> Response.Write xml.responseText         'view Twitter's response
> Set xml = Nothing
> %>

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