How do I submit a new ticket on Twitter tech support? I submit a ticket but
the ticket has been closed. I can't response to the closed ticket.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 4:32 PM, <<>
> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
>    - How to test for one user following 
> another<#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_0>[3 Updates]
>    - Unable to connect to the Streaming API over 
> SSL<#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_1>[1 Update]
>    - Using a custom icon for the Twitter "Tweet" 
> button<#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_2>[1 Update]
>    - can't follow more than one user <#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_3> [3
>    Updates]
>    - Woe is me, I can't seek what I find (or Search is failing 
> me)<#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_4>[1 Update]
>    - (Another) Tweet Count 
> Question/Problem<#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_5>[2 Updates]
>    - status/update in_reply_to_user_id not being 
> acknowledged<#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_6>[4 Updates]
>    - Use twitterapi.update method to my own account via .net web app
>    without human intervention <#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_7> [3
>    Updates]
>    - Sign up as a developer <#12b8909dafdd152d_group_thread_8> [2 Updates]
>   Topic: How to test for one user following 
> another<>
>    Joe Rattz <> Oct 07 03:15PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    I would like to determine if my registered application's user is
>    following another user.
>    First I tried friendships/show with a target_screen_name = "someuser"
>    and get this error:
>    <hash>
>    <request>/1/friendships/show.xml</request>
>    <error>Target user not specified.</error>
>    </hash>
>    Then I tried friendships/show with user_a = "myusername" and user_b =
>    "someuser" and get this error:
>    <hash>
>    <request>/1/friendships/exists.xml</request>
>    <error>Two user ids or screen_names must be supplied.</error>
>    </hash>
>    I would prefer to use the show method and without having to specify my
>    application's user's username.
>    These are both using the Twulr Console. What am I missing?
>    Thanks.
>    Thomas Mango <> Oct 07 07:09PM -0400 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    You should be providing both the source and a target user to the
>    /friendships/show method.
>    You can use source_id & target_id or source_screen_name &
>    target_screen_name with /friendships/show.
>    Here's the API documentation:
>    Joe Rattz wrote:
>    --
>    Thomas Mango
>    Joe Rattz <> Oct 07 04:24PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    That doesn't work either:
>    <hash>
>    <request>/1/friendships/show.xml</request>
>    <error>Target user not specified.</error>
>    </hash>
>    That's right from Twurl despite the fact that I provided both the
>    source_screen_name and target_screen_name.
>    Besides, why shouldn't the other two methods work? They are
>    documented methods.
>   Topic: Unable to connect to the Streaming API over 
> SSL<>
>    Hayes Davis <> Oct 07 04:21PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Thanks, Tayor. Will do. It'd be nice to have that explicitly stated in
>    the
>    docs.
>    Hayes
>    On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Taylor Singletary <
>   Topic: Using a custom icon for the Twitter "Tweet" 
> button<>
>    rosco <> Oct 07 03:21PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Hi there,
>    I want to use the same functionality as the Twitter "Tweet" button
>    displayed here
>    The only change I want to make is to use a custom icon that we have
>    created, rather than the button image displayed. Is it possible to
>    change the image, and if so, how can I do it?
>   Topic: can't follow more than one 
> user<>
>    Malte <> Oct 07 02:04PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Hi,
>    because I'm using the same library and was not finding the same
>    problems when connecting to site streams I looked for what I was doing
>    differently: Turns out, if one URL encodes the komma in the follow
>    list the OAuth connection works
>    Bye
>    Malte
>    Ciaran <> Oct 07 10:50PM +0100 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    > list the OAuth connection works
>    > Bye
>    > Malte
>    Hi,
>    Yes, another user reported this as a workaround too, I'd still like
>    some clarification from t'twitter as to whether the client is wrong
>    (my current plan will be to 'if-twitter' around the signing code ;) )
>    Thanks for the heads up though!
>    -cj
>    Ciaran <> Oct 07 10:58PM +0100 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Ah you *are* that other user! Doh :)
>    - cj
>   Topic: Woe is me, I can't seek what I find (or Search is failing 
> me)<>
>    "@IDisposable" <> Oct 07 02:10PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Over the last couple months, we've seen some wierd behavior in the
>    responses to search queries. First, I understand the rules about
>    search being non-covering, and that we are at the mercy of the index.
>    That said, I've noticed some odd behavior lately. As background
>    material, we run many searches (and we're white-listed by IP and OAuth
>    account), but the two I want to reference are the Mentions and the
>    Location searches.
>    The Mentions search seems pretty stable and uses this typical search
>    (and then we exclude a bunch of things like Bay St. Louis, etc.):
>    The Location search has been VERY unstable, and uses this typical
>    search:
>    As the day progresses, we move up the high-water mark in the since_id
>    to track what we've already received so we should be getting minimal
>    gaps. We almost never see two 100-entry polls in a row, so I think
>    we're keeping up with whatever coverage the search index is offering.
>    I've posted in a Google Spreadsheet a graph of the tweet counts we're
>    seeing since 7/1/2010 so you can see the trends
>    (sheet two is the graph). Some interesting things to note:
>    1) The Mentions search is very consistent.
>    2) The Location search likes to bounce around a bit.
>    3) In mid August, we started to have issues with more 403s and error
>    about since_id being too old. We were also getting rate-limited in our
>    calls to get the tweep details (since the ATOM feed is so meager). Due
>    to a bug, I wasn't committing all the tweets when this happened.
>    4) On or about Sept 1st, you guys did something that broke our ability
>    to stay caught up... we started getting almost no tweets and lots of
>    errors about since_id being too old. I thought this was due to your
>    "new tweet id" assignment being rolled out.
>    5) On Sept 5th, I got back from vacation and added logic to understand
>    and use the "no new tweets, roll the tweet id forward to this" driven
>    by parsing the <link rel="refresh"> node in the ATOM feed.
>    6) I also, around this time, added better logic to the tweep-lookup
>    detail, only asking you for tweeps I don't have at least a minimal row
>    on. This reduced the number of rate-limiting issues.
>    7) We were very stable and until 9/23 when volume falls off a lot, and
>    never really recovers. I think this is the "new search" engine
>    rollout.
>    To research a little more, I tried the Twitter advanced search page
>    and asking for the RSS (atom, really) feed from the advanced search
>    page I get this URL now:
>    Which starts off like ours, but adds the (seemingly redundant) human-
>    readable search criteria "&q=+near:38.627522,-90.19841+within:30mi".
>    Oddly, if we remove that and do the same search at nearly the same
>    instant, I DO get vastly different tweets sets... probably due to
>    volume, possibly just sorting, but I would hope that with the same
>    since_id value, I would get the same tweets... but I don't.
>    So, I'm asking... what's going on?
>    Why are we seeing so much volume fall-off?
>    What can we do about it?
>    Should I be running both searches (my current one and one with the
>    human-readable query) to get better coverage?
>    Is there any hope/expectation of the volume returning to normal?
>    Doesn't anyone else care about tweep-location searches?
>    Now, before you tell me that I should be using Site Streams (which I
>    want to do), realize that I _NEED_ tweets from people whose profile
>    location says they are in St. Louis (and similar) like the old Summize
>    search honored. I can't just get by with the _tweet_ location being
>    STL.
>    Marc Brooks
>    Chief guy getting yelled at,
>   Topic: (Another) Tweet Count 
> Question/Problem<>
>    Amy Edwards <> Oct 07 01:54PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Hello:
>    I have two pages that include the Tweet button and count. When I Tweet
>    a page, the count increments. If I Tweet a second time it, again,
>    increments correctly. But if I refresh the page, the count returns to
>    0. Originally, my Twitter account was set to "Private" but I opened it
>    up and I'm still having the problem.
>    I have seen many other questions posted here about this problem but
>    none seem to have a solution.
>    Here is the code I'm using, where the var
>    fullFriendlyURL =
>    <script src=""; type="text/
>    javascript"></script>
>    <div>
>    <a href=""; class="twitter-share-button"
>    data-url="${fullFriendlyURL}"
>    data-text="${name}"
>    data-counturl="${fullFriendlyURL}"
>    data-count="horizontal">Tweet</a>
>    </div>
>    Many thanks in advance.
>    Tom van der Woerdt <> Oct 07 11:07PM +0200 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Don't blame your own code for that. It does this on a lot of websites -
>    it even happens on
>    Tom
>    On 10/7/10 10:54 PM, Amy Edwards wrote:
>   Topic: status/update in_reply_to_user_id not being 
> acknowledged<>
>    Matthew <> Oct 07 01:37PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Hello,
>    Been working on a project that will allow users to reply to tweets. I
>    am having difficulty in getting the 'in_reply_to_message_id' to be
>    acknowledged. I have been using the latest version of Abraham's
>    TwitterOAuth library, also confirmed the problem through apigee.
>    Example request (over POST):
>    like its not working for apigee either
>    I can confirm the in_reply_to_status_id message is a message I posted
>    earlier.
>    I get a response back from twitter with field populated except with
>    "in_reply_to_status_id" : null.
>    Is there currently a glitch in the twitterapi, or am I using this
>    function improperly?
>    Thanks in advance!
>    Matthew <> Oct 07 01:40PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Opps I meant to mark the title as 'in_reply_to_status_id'.
>    Taylor Singletary <> Oct 07 01:42PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    With as often as this comes up, it's obvious that we aren't
>    communicating
>    this clearly and the historical aspect of this isn't obvious:
>    An @reply requires that it begins with the @username of the user being
>    replied to. The in_reply_to_status_id field is not enough to associate
>    the
>    tweets as a reply -- the username must also be present.
>    Also: When using a POST method, don't include your fields/parameters on
>    the
>    query string. Instead, put them in the POST body. You may find someday
>    that
>    passing such parameters on the query string just stops working.
>    Taylor
>    Matthew <> Oct 07 01:45PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Thanks Taylor, I appreciate it. I didnt see mention of that in the
> documentation.
>    -Matt
>    On Oct 7, 1:42 pm, Taylor Singletary <>
>    wrote:
>   Topic: Use twitterapi.update method to my own account via .net web app
> without human 
> intervention<>
>    bob <> Oct 07 12:45PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    I have an application that maintains sport fields playing status.
>    When it rains, I'd like to update my account to show the closures via
>    my .net application. Problem is when using oAuth, I must sign in to
>    allow the app access to my Twitter account. Is there any way that
>    oAuth can do this without needing this step.
>    Thomas Mango <> Oct 07 04:06PM -0400 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    You should save the oauth access key/secret you get for the account you
>    want to post to (if it's your application's account, you can get the
>    access keys from the application's page on You can
>    then use your client key/secret and user access key/secret to make
>    calls
>    to the API on that user's behalf without them logging into an actual
>    session of your application.
>    This page is a good overview of OAuth:
>    bob wrote:
>    --
>    Thomas Mango
>    bob <> Oct 07 01:07PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Update: I was using TwitterVB.GetAuthorizationLink() and when I
>    changed to GetAuthenticationLink(), it worked.
>   Topic: Sign up as a 
> developer<>
>    martinh666 <> Oct 07 12:26PM -0700 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Thanks Tom,
>    I've tried this, e.g. I log into my account but when I click the apps,
>    it asks me to log in again, so I do, then it says "the website
>    declined to show you this page".
>    I'm wondering if my browser settings are messed up. I also had to
>    check the "show mixed content" in my IE security options to stop the
>    pop up warnings about security each time I viewed a page.
>    Ta
>    Martin
>    Tom van der Woerdt <> Oct 07 10:04PM +0200 
> ^<#12b8909dafdd152d_digest_top>
>    Try using a different (proper) browser. It may work.
>    Tom
>    On 10/7/10 9:26 PM, martinh666 wrote:
>  --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

Bess Ho
UI Architect / Developer / Designer
iPhone Developer
Silicon Valley Web Builder (SVWB) Founder

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