These attributes are HTML5 attributes, not XHTML attributes.


On 11/19/10 7:17 AM, BG wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope this is the right place to post this but I have found an issue
> when using the Tweet button on my website. I use the custom version.
> When I run it through the W3C Validator I get these errors and I have
> tried Doctype variations but they all don't validate.
> there is no attribute "data-url"
> there is no attribute "data-count"
> there is no attribute "data-text"
> there is no attribute "data-via"
> I make my websites to validate for a number of reasons and they are
> usually 100% valid but with the tweet button they won't validate
> anymore. I'm surprised at this as I thought the developers would have
> made sure the button validates before anything!

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