I am sending AJAX request to acquire a request token but getting 403
Forbidden error. I am putting following example to show my approach

Available info :
1. Consumer Key : abckey
2. Consumer secret : xyzsecret
3. Request token URL : https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token
4. Registered OAuth Callback URL :
5. Access Token (oauth_token) : 1234-efghaccess
6. Access Token Secret (oauth_token_secret) : mnopqrstaccesssecret

My Javascript code
var today = new Date();
var ts = Math.round(today.getTime()/1000.0);

url = "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token";;
xmlhttp.open("POST", url, true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization","OAuth oauth_nonce=
\"126weOPUDSBLS02dXTlp5tYjv434FE9ALwKILYFIU\", oauth_signature_method=
\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\""+ ts +"\", oauth_consumer_key=
\"abckey\", oauth_token=\"1234-efghaccess\", oauth_signature=
\"mnopqrstaccesssecret\" , oauth_version=\"1.0\"");
When i check live headers in mozilla i get status as 403 Forbidden

Can anyone guide me where i am doing wrong..

Thank you.

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