Thanks Tom, it was a bug with the parser I use (MGTwitterEngine),
which overode the tweet id with the place id if it was present.


On Dec 8, 11:05 am, Marc Provost <> wrote:
> Actually, what is weird about these ids is that the url 
> -- which is
> generated in the packet works.
> This is why I thought the parser I use was fine.
> Marc
> On Dec 8, 11:00 am, Tom van der Woerdt <> wrote:
> > 1. Please, when you think that the API is wrong, attach the JSON (or
> > XML) part and not the output from your application.
> > 2. I assume that you are using a language that can't handle large
> > numbers properly. I've just checked, and I'm still getting proper IDs
> > back. There's an id field and an id_str field. If your language doesn't
> > handle large numbers properly, you should use id_str instead of id.
> > Example :
> >         id = 12413709859164160
> >         id_str = "12413709859164160"
> > id will be parsed as a number, id_str as a string.
> > Just to clarify: This is *not* an API bug, it's a bug in your parser.
> > Tom
> > On 12/8/10 4:49 PM, Marc Provost wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > I have a problem that puzzles me: I get ids back from twitter which
> > > are in an alphanumeric/hex format, for instance take a look at the
> > > tweet packet at the bottom of this message.  The id 31fe39275142e6fe
> > > is completely different from the format I'm used to, e.g.
> > > 11897582800343040.
> > > This gives me headaches for two reasons:
> > > 1) The ids are not sortable anymore
> > > 2)  Ids such as '31fe39275142e6fe' will not work as the "max_id"
> > > parameter of a home_timeline call.
> > > Any ideas of what might be going on? I'm I missing something obvious?
> > > Thanks so much!
> > > Marc
> > >   {
> > >          attributes = "";
> > >          "bounding_box" = "\n      ";
> > >          contributors = "";
> > >          coordinates = "";
> > >          country = Belgium;
> > >          "created_at" = "Mon Dec 06 21:39:41 +0000 2010";
> > >          favorited = false;
> > >          "full_name" = "Dilbeek, Halle-Vilvoorde";
> > >          geo = "";
> > >          "georss:polygon" = "50.8125583 4.1661175 50.8125583 4.2897208
> > > 50.8904907 4.2897208 50.8904907 4.1661175";
> > >          id = 31fe39275142e6fe;
> > >          "in_reply_to_screen_name" = "";
> > >          "in_reply_to_status_id" = "";
> > >          "in_reply_to_user_id" = "";
> > >          name = Dilbeek;
> > >          place = "\n    ";
> > >          "place_type" = city;
> > >          "retweet_count" = "";
> > >          retweeted = false;
> > >          source = web;
> > >          "source_api_request_type" = 1;
> > >          text = "In other news, heading down to Paris tomorrow AM for
> > > @LeWeb 2010. I expect to come back exhausted, but looking forward to
> > > seeing friends.";
> > >          truncated = 0;
> > >          url = "";;
> > >          user =         {
> > >              "contributors_enabled" = false;
> > >              "created_at" = "Wed Jan 10 13:29:18 +0000 2007";
> > >              description = "I blog for TechCrunch (now AOL), organize
> > > events (Plugg, OpenCoffeeClub Brussels) and do too much other stuff,
> > > too. Love the web and startups. Hate sprouts.";
> > >              "favourites_count" = 17;
> > >              "follow_request_sent" = false;
> > >              "followers_count" = 12296;
> > >              following = 1;
> > >              "friends_count" = 3848;
> > >              "geo_enabled" = true;
> > >              id = 621713;
> > >              lang = en;
> > >              "listed_count" = 815;
> > >              location = Belgium;
> > >              name = "Robin Wauters";
> > >              notifications = false;
> > >              "profile_background_color" = 0099B9;
> > >              "profile_background_image_url" = "
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> > >              "profile_background_tile" = false;
> > >              "profile_image_url" = "
> > > 598607242/Robin_Wauters_pic_normal.jpg";
> > >              "profile_link_color" = 0099B9;
> > >              "profile_sidebar_border_color" = 5ED4DC;
> > >              "profile_sidebar_fill_color" = 95E8EC;
> > >              "profile_text_color" = 3C3940;
> > >              "profile_use_background_image" = false;
> > >              protected = 0;
> > >              "screen_name" = robinwauters;
> > >              "show_all_inline_media" = false;
> > >              "statuses_count" = 19845;
> > >              "time_zone" = Brussels;
> > >              url = "";;
> > >              "utc_offset" = 3600;
> > >              verified = false;
> > >          };

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