
The id_str is only returned in the JSON responses as it isn't needed in the
XML response.
The XML response returns all data as a string so a unique *_str field isn't

Hope that helps,

Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 12:05 AM, Rajesh <ssrajesh....@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,
> right now im using id to for status update,
> how to use id_str,
> how can i get id_str?
> im using twitter api on my php page..
> ex follower response is
> 20/December/2010 13:22:51: SimpleXMLElement Object
> (
>    [...@attributes] => Array
>        (
>            [type] => array
>        )
>    [user] => Array
>        (
>            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>                (
>                    [id] => 17949969
>                    [name] => MattsLens
>                    [screen_name] => MattsLens
>                    [location] => Grand Rapids, Michigan
>                    [description] => MattsLens.com utilizes
> photography & Social Media to help individuals and businesses develop
> and improve their online presence.
>                    [profile_image_url] =>
> http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/1118820404/MattsLens_Logo_2010_normal.jpg
>                    [url] => http://wefollow.com/MattsLens
>                    [protected] => false
>                    [followers_count] => 453
>                    [profile_background_color] => 0f0f0f
>                    [profile_text_color] => 666666
>                    [profile_link_color] => 1A6DC5
>                    [profile_sidebar_fill_color] => 212020
>                    [profile_sidebar_border_color] => 404040
>                    [friends_count] => 620
>                    [created_at] => Sun Dec 07 23:08:22 +0000 2008
>                    [favourites_count] => 3
>                    [utc_offset] => -18000
>                    [time_zone] => Eastern Time (US & Canada)
>                    [profile_background_image_url] =>
> http://a0.twimg.com/profile_background_images/158496637/xac4b1478dba4c3be11d522b5b3ed6a7.jpg
>                    [profile_background_tile] => false
>                    [profile_use_background_image] => false
>                    [notifications] => false
>                    [geo_enabled] => false
>                    [verified] => false
>                    [following] => true
>                    [statuses_count] => 2683
>                    [lang] => en
>                    [contributors_enabled] => false
>                    [follow_request_sent] => false
>                    [listed_count] => 71
>                    [show_all_inline_media] => false
>                    [is_translator] => false
>                    [status] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>                        (
>                            [created_at] => Mon Dec 20 05:31:44 +0000
> 2010
>                            [id] => 16727427753443328
>                            [text] => Just added myself to the
> http://wefollow.com twitter directory!
>                            [source] => <a href="http://wefollow.com";
> rel="nofollow">WeFollow</a>
>                            [truncated] => false
>                            [favorited] => false
>                            [in_reply_to_status_id] =>
> SimpleXMLElement Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                            [in_reply_to_user_id] => SimpleXMLElement
> Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                            [in_reply_to_screen_name] =>
> SimpleXMLElement Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                            [retweet_count] => 0
>                            [retweeted] => false
>                            [geo] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                            [coordinates] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                            [place] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                            [contributors] => SimpleXMLElement Object
>                                (
>                                )
>                        )
>                )
> )
> for get connection i used the below code
> * Assues there is already a valid token available for this user
>        */
>        public function getConnections($token)
>        {
>                global $logger;
>                $twitter_con_arr = array();
>                if ($token == null)
>                        return $twitter_con_arr;
>                // Use HTTP Client with built-in OAuth request handling
>                $client = $token->getHttpClient($this->option_array);
>                // to get Twitter connections
>                $client->setUri('
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/followers.xml');
>                // Set Method (GET, POST or PUT)
>                $client->setMethod(Zend_Http_Client::GET);
>                // Get Request Response
>                $response = $client->request();
>                // Get the XML containing User's Profile
>                $content =  $response->getBody();
>                $xmlobj = simplexml_load_string($content);
>                $scxpath = array(
>  "tw:source_id"=>"/users/user/id",
>  "tw:screen_name"=>"/users/user/screen_name"
>                                                );
>                for($i=1;$i<=count($xmlobj->user);$i++)
>                {
>                        foreach($scxpath as $k=>$v)
>                        {
>                                $twitter_con_arr[$k.":".$i] =
> $this->getValue($v,$i-1,$xmlobj);
>                        }
>                        $twitter_con_arr['tw:name:'.$i] =
> $twitter_con_arr['tw:screen_name:'.$i];
>                        $twitter_con_arr['tw:original_source_id:'.$i] =
> $twitter_con_arr['tw:source_id:'.$i];
>                }
>                return $twitter_con_arr;
>        }
> please tell me how to use id_str, how can i get id_str
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
> API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> Change your membership to this group:
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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